Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Western States Lottery

W$ER  Lottery is December 8.

As posted on the lottery applicant page, there is  2295 total lottery applicants for the 2013 race.
122 applicants with four tickets = 488 tickets
207 applicants with three tickets = 621 tickets
480 applicants with two tickets = 960 tickets
1486 applicants with one ticket = 1486 tickets
Total tickets in the hat = 3555

They will  draw 270 unique names in the lottery and then an additional five from the lottery within the lottery. That is, the folks in the audience who have not been selected up to that point. Based on 3555 total tickets and 270 names drawn, the odds of getting selected have been updated as follows:

one ticket odds = 7.9%
two ticket odds = 15.2%
three ticket odds = 21.9%
four ticket odds = 28.0%

NEO TC Members in the Lottery:

Mark Anson

Dan Bellinger

Dave Peterman

Eric Deutsch

Why no female NEO TC in the lottery?  Who is going to be the first female from Ohio to complete the Grand Slam??

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