Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Bear

It looked  like very interesting weather for The Bear 100 race.

The BEAR 100 is a point to point course that starts in Logan, UT and finishes at Fish Haven, ID at Bear Lake. The first climb is the longest, with many more long climbs to follow with varying difficulties of descent. Some descents are smooth downhill while others are rocky. Late September was picked for the time of the run because of the beauty of the fall colors at that time. You will see brilliant red maples and quaking aspens turning yellow which provides for a stunning contrast among the rocks and cliffs.

Bill Losey earned his Black Bear Buckle, finishing in 35 hours, 18 minutes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool! Do you make photos of it? I found the article about it at They say you have stopped racing. Why?