Saturday, January 10, 2009

Videos from Andrew Skurka Lecture

Last night, professional backpacker Andrew Skurka spoke at the Happy Days Visitor Center about his journeys on the trail. Here are a few videos that were taken as he explained photos & video clips that were displayed on a projector screen...

Andrew explains his trek on the Sea to Sea trail

Andrew talking about his typical day

Some funny video clips taken by Andrew

Andrew experiences some "trail magic"
when he finds a pack of Ho Ho's


Andrew Skurka said...

There's no name affiliated with this blog, but, in any case, thanks for coming to the show and for posting these clips. It was a large, excited audience and I thoroughly enjoyed giving the presentation. I hope that the event was enjoyed on the other end too.

For anyone who missed the presentation, who wants to watch it again, or who is interested in my Sea-to-Sea Route presentation, I've made these slideshows available on a DVD via my web store at

Brian said...

Andrew - I made this post. Your presentation was very enjoyable!